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Hello, I'm Rose Rowkins.


I believe that everybody can help reduce suicides, and that a conversation can save a life. 


I can empower you with the tools and confidence to talk about suicide and to manage with greater empathy, to make your workplace happier, healthier and safer from burnout and suicide.

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Most of us have been affected by suicide in some way.

Perhaps we have lost someone - a close friend or colleague.

Perhaps we were touched by the death of a celebrity by suicide.

Perhaps someone we know thinks or talks about suicide.

Perhaps, at times, suicide has felt like an option for us.

It's time to start the conversation. We can all learn to prevent suicide. 

My Mission Statement

I have trained staff and volunteers from:
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I have delivered training on behalf of:
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What our participants say:
"This training was brilliant. Particularly on Zoom, the difference between an average training and one that really makes a difference is in the delivery. Rose was clearly comfortable with this topic, able to engage the audience."

Mental Health Nurse

"We had never had training before on how to support students who are thinking of suicide. The team were able to clearly explain and give examples of appropriate language that may be able to help us improve the outcomes for the young people we work with. This has been invaluable."

High School Pastoral Lead

"I have attended a lot of sessions around suicide prevention, and this one is the best. Great teaching approach and sincere trainers."

Head of Responsible Gambling and Research

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